بازدید 54338

Iranian foreign minister warns of a possible war with Israel over Syria

Over the eight-year period of war in Syria, Israel has in several cases conducted attacks in the Syrian territories, with the primary excuse of trying to contain Iran’s influence in the Arab country. As Tel Aviv appears stubborn in terms of continuing the strikes, Iran warns that such moves could trigger a war between the Islamic Republic and the Israeli regime.
کد خبر: ۸۸۰۲۲۳
تاریخ انتشار: ۰۲ اسفند ۱۳۹۷ - ۲۲:۲۲ 21 February 2019

Tabnak – Over the eight-year period of war in Syria, Israel has in several cases conducted attacks in the Syrian territories, with the primary excuse of trying to contain Iran’s influence in the Arab country. As Tel Aviv appears stubborn in terms of continuing the strikes, Iran warns that such moves could trigger a war between the Islamic Republic and the Israeli regime.

In this vein, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has warned the Israeli regime that its “dangerous” adventurism with its bombing campaign in Syria could result in a military conflict in the region.

“There is adventurism on Israel’s side, and adventurism is always dangerous,” Zarif said in an interview with the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper published on Wednesday.

Iran is in Syria at the invitation of the Syrian government, while Israel is violating Lebanese and Syrian air space, as well as international law, Zarif said. Asked about the possibility of a military conflict between Iran and Israel, he said he does not see that coming, adding, “but we cannot exclude the possibility.”

In his earlier remarks at the Munich Security Conference, Zarif had accused Israel of looking for war and warned that its actions and those of the United States were increasing the chances of a clash in the region.

In an interview with NBC News during his visit to Munich, Zarif also warned the US and its allies that it would be "suicidal" to go to a war with Iran. He said the "same gang" behind the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 were "at it again" in pushing for war with Iran.

"I'm not saying [US] President [Donald] Trump's administration, I'm saying people in President Trump’s administration are trying to create the same eventually and I believe they will fail," the Iranian foreign minister said.

Meanwhile and as sign of readiness for any probable scenario, Iran’s Navy commander gave details of a large-scale military exercise that his forces are going to hold in the country’s southern waters.

In comments on Thursday, Rear Admiral Hossein Khanzadi said the upcoming naval drill, codenamed Velayat-97, will be held in an area of 2 million square kilometers in the Iranian southern waters, from the Strait of Hormuz to the southeastern coasts of Makran, the Sea of Oman and the northern parts of the Indian Ocean, down to the 10-degrees latitude.

According to the commander, the drill will be held in four separate phases, including naval parades, simulation of a real naval war, maritime and land offense to practice recapturing the territories occupied by the enemy, and the display of the Navy’s power by launching various types of missiles and torpedoes.

He also noted that the Navy will for the first time fly patrol, reconnaissance and bomber drones during the war game.

Rear Admiral Khanzadi said the submarines will also launch missiles in the exercise for the first time, noting that anti-submarine helicopters will also land on and take off from the Sahand destroyer’s deck.

Iranian officials have repeatedly underscored that the country will not hesitate to strengthen its military capabilities, including its missile power, which are entirely meant for defense, and that Iran’s defense capabilities will be never subject to negotiations.

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